We are Grantchester Hotels

Conceived not only with investors in mind, but also hotel operators and brands, Grantchester Hotels was established in early 2019 for the express purpose of providing hotel leases in the 4 & 5-star markets, together with hotel development consultancy services, both in the United Kingdom and Europe.

Grantchester Hotels provides an opportunity for institutions, property companies and investment funds to capitalise upon the strength of the hotel markets based on a level of investment security offered by UK commercial property.


Global businesses targeting UK outward-looking cities while necessitating dependable and superior world class hotels.


Ian Williams

With 45 years’ experience in commercial real estate and banking, Ian Williams was previously investment and development partner, Chestertons, Chartered Surveyors, London, before undertaking a banking career in USA, Germany and United Kingdom, including MM Warburg Bank, Hamburg, Germany and Westdeutsche Immobilienbank, Mainz, Germany & London.


The fundamental objective of Grantchester Hotels is to offer institutional leases for hotels, including extended stay residences, in a manner that will position the company as market leaders delivering security and value to hotel owners. Grantchester Hotels aims to become the logical choice for investors seeking lease structures with superior operators and brands.

Grantchester Hotels will be able to accommodate both existing hotels and development opportunities.

Grantchester Hotels will strive to acquire assets through investment and/or development opportunities. Rental income, together with refinancing of revenues will fund company working capital and investment.


Our strategic objective is to provide institutional standard full repairing and insuring leases for investors, property companies and developers, whilst driving long-term shareholder returns by becoming the leading lease provider for four-star and five-star hotels in the UK and Europe, while in the process of developing a sustainable business that respects the interests of our wider stakeholders, investors, operator’s and hotel brands.


Through greater flexibility in commercial hotel leases, superior brands can launch hotels in cities targeted by international business.

The missing link in this approach has been the absence of institutional funding for the superior hotel brands. Grantchester Hotels, with the assistance of two UK institutions and a leading commercial bank, has designed a full repairing and insuring lease that eliminates the need for recourse to hotel company balance sheets, thus permitting access to funding for hotel groups, developers and city authorities.

Availability of Grantchester Hotels leases provides an opportunity to develop superior hotel brands for investors, institutions and pension funds, without the risk associated with full hotel ownership and the considerable amounts of capital necessitated by such a category of investment.